of Baltimore County, a body corporate, duly incorporated
under the Public General Laws of the State of Maryland, all of
its, the said grantor's right, title, interest and estate in and
to the lot of ground situate in Baltimore county, State of Mary-
land, at the corner formed by the intersection of the east side
of Ready avenue and the northwest side of Arlington avenue;
said sale and grant being evidenced by a deed dated the six-
teenth day of November, 1906, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore county in Liber W. P. C., No. 308, folio
8, etc., from the said, the Convention of the Protestant Episco-
pal Church of the Diocese of Maryland, to the said, the Vestry
of the Church of the Epiphany of Baltimore County, and that
fee simple title vest pursuant to said deed absolutely in the
said, the Vestry of the Church of the Epiphany of Baltimore
County, its successors and assigns to its own and their use and
15...To the bequest contained in the last will and testament
of Gerard S. Watts, late of Baltimore county, deceased, in the
sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to the National Luth-
eran Home for the Aged (so designated in said will), situated
near Washington, D. C, said will being of record in the office of
the Register of Wills for Baltimore county.
16. To the sale and conveyance of certain real estate, situ-
ated in Cecil county, State of Maryland, and mentioned and de-
scribed in a deed of conveyance thereof from Edward W. Tay-
lor and Emma Taylor, his wife, to Oblates of St. Francis de
Sales, incorporated, a corporation, bearing date on the twenty-
third day of November, -in the year 1906, and recorded among
the Land Record books of said Cecil county in Liber M. D., No.
4, folio 461, etc.
17. To the bequest of two thousand five hundred dollars to
the Trustees of West Nottingham Presbyterian Church, Cecil
county, Maryland, for the benefit of "West Nottingham Pres-
byterian Church, Cecil .County, State of Maryland," which be-
quest is contained in the last will and testament of Mound E.
Kirk, deceased, dated the fourteenth day of August, in the year
1906, late of Cecil county, duly probated and of record in the
Orphans' Court of Cecil county, in Liber L, vol. 19, folio 130,
one of the Will Record Books of Cecil county.
18. To the gift and devise contained in the last will and
testament in paragraph one of Louisa M. Herbts to James Car-
dinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, and recorded in the
Orphans' Court of Harford county, Maryland, as follows: "I
give and devise to James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Bal-
timore, all that lot or parcel of ground situate and lying at the