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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 1333   View pdf image (33K)
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the sale, lease and grant of the lot of ground and premises situ-
ate and lying in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, particularly
described in a deed from Jacob W. Hook et al. to the English
Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation of Baltimore
City, with full power to dispose of the same, dated May 12,
1891, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore city
in Liber J. B., 1343, folio 413, etc. 2. To the sale and grant
of the lot of ground and premises situated in Baltimore city,
Maryland, particularly described in two deeds, one from John
G. Hines and Nicea P. Hines, his wife, dated June 8, 1902, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore city, in Liber
R. O., 1966, folio 36, etc., and in another deed from Mary A.
Stockbridge, dated April 30, 1907, and recorded among the
aforesaid Land Records in Liber R. O., 2329, folio 491, etc., to
the English Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation of
Baltimore City. 3. To the sale and grant of the lot of ground
and premises situated in Baltimore city, Maryland, described
in a deed from Morris Hoyer and wife to Saint Bonefacius'
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore City, Maryland,
dated the thirteenth day of April, 1896, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore city in Liber R. O., No. 1639, folio
305. 4. To the grant and conveyance of land beginning at the
northwest corner of Hoffman street and Collington avenue and
running thence westerly and binding on the north side of Hoff-
man street seventy-four feet and six inches; thence northerly
parallel to Collington avenue seventy feet to the south end of a
ten-foot alley there laid out; thence still northerly and parallel
to Collington avenue through the centre of said alley, with the
use thereof in common; seventy feet to Keyser street; thence
easterly binding on the south side of Keyser street seventy-four
feet and six inches to Collington avenue, and thence southerly
binding on the west side of Collington avenue one hundred and
forty feet to the beginning; said lot of ground being located in
Baltimore city, Maryland, and described in a deed from the
Reformed Church Extension Society of Baltimore, Maryland, a
body corporated, to St. Mark's Reformed Church of Baltimore,
Maryland, a body corporate, its successors and assigns, said
deed being dated September 11, 1901, and duly recorded in
Liber R. O., No. 1920, folio 27, etc., one of the Land Records of
Baltimore city, Maryland.

5. To the gift and bequest of $7,600.00 Baltimore city five
per cent, stock, 1916; $1,000.00 Northern Pacific-Great North-
ern, C., B. & I. Railroad Company Collateral Trust four per
cent, bond, due 1921, and ten shares of stock of the Massachu-
setts Real Estate Company of Taunton, Massachusetts, given
and bequeathed by the last will and testament of Alice C. Fon-


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 1333   View pdf image (33K)
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