mittee or other than the political agent, as hereinbefore de-
fined, who shall engage in receiving or disbursing money for
any of the purposes aforesaid, shall be deemed a treasurer of a
political committee within the meaning of this article, and shall
be subject to all the requirements, obligations and penalties
hereby provided for and in the case of such treasurer; provided,
however, that the treasurer appointed under this Act by the
State Central Committee of any party, or the treasurer ap-
pointed in any county or the city of Baltimore by the members
of the State Central Committee for such county or city of any
party, or the treasurer appointed by the city committee of Bal-
timore city of any party, may appoint one sub-treasurer for
each voting precinct in the said county or city, as the case may
be, which sub-treasurer is authorized to expend such money as
may be placed in his hands by the treasurer appointing him for
such purposes as are lawful under the provisions of this Act
and for no other purpose, and it shall be the duty of every such
sub-treasurer, within ten days after every election or primary
election, to make a report in writing under oath to the treas-
urer appointing him, stating in detail the amount of money
placed in his hands by the said treasurer and for what pur-
poses the said money was expended by him and to whom paid;
and it shall be the duty of every such treasurer to file the report
of every sub-treasurer appointed by him along with and as a
part of the account and statement required to be filed by such
treasurer under the provisions of Section 167 of this Act. Any
person or persons violating or failing to comply with any of
the provisions of this section or of the preceding section of this
article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined not less than three hundred dollars nor
more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned for not more
than two years, or both fined and imprisoned in the discretion
of the Court.
SEC. 164. Any person nominated as a candidate for public
office, or a candidate for any nomination for public office, may
make a voluntary payment of money to any treasurer or politi-
cal agent, subject to the provisions and restrictions of this Act
and for any of the purposes permitted by this Act, and for no
other purposes, and no person other than such a candidate
shall, to aid or promote the success or defeat of any political
party or principle or of any proposition submitted to vote at
any 'public election, or of any candidate for public office, or of
any candidate for nomination as such, within six months prior
to any such election, make a payment or contribution of money
or property or incur any liability or promise any valuable
thing to any person other than to the treasurer or political