ACT. -33. ] ELECTIONS. 127
agent. Nothing contained in this Act shall limit or affect the
right of any person to expend money for proper legal expenses
in maintaining or contesting the results of any such elections.
SEC. 165. No person other than a treasurer or political agent
shall pay any of the expenses of any election or primary elec-
tion, except that a candidate may pay his own expenses for
postage, telegrams, telephoning, stationery, printing, express-
age and traveling and board. The payments, expenditures,
promises and liabilities which any candidate before nomina-
tion or election, or both, may make or incur, directly or indi-
rectly, whether in money or other thing of value, under this or
the preceding section, shall not exceed in the whole twenty-five
dollars for each one thousand (or the major portion thereof),
up to fifty thousand and ten dollars for each one thousand (or
the major portion thereof) in excess of fifty thousand of the
registered voters qualified to. vote for the office in question at
the next preceding election therefor, all to be paid, handled and
disbursed by a treasurer or political agent and not otherwise;
and any payment, contribution, expenditure of, or promise or
liability to pay, contribute or expend any money, or valuable
thing, in excess of said sum, shall be unlawful; provided, how-
ever, that a candidate may pay personally, in addition to said
sum or valuable thing or things amounting thereto, his own ex-
penses for postage, telegrams, telephoning, stationery, printing,
advertising, publishing, expressage, traveling and board; and
provided further, that nothing in this Act shall be taken or con-
strued to prohibit the chairman of the State Central Com-
mittee of the State or of any county or of the city of Baltimore
of any political party from soliciting contributions for cam-
paign purposes, which contributions, however, shall all be ex-
pended in accordance with and subject to the provisions and
restrictions of this Act.
SEC. 166. It shall be lawful for any treasurer or political
agent in connection with any election, or primary election, and
in making provisions therefor to pay the following expenses:
(a) of hiring halls and music for the conventions, public meet-
ings and public primaries and for advertising the same; (ft) of
printing and circulating political articles, circulars, pamph-
lets and books; (c) of printing and distributing sample or
specimen ballots and instructions to voters; (d) of renting
rooms and headquarters to be used by political committees;
(e) of compensating clerks, stenographers, typewriters and
other assistants employed in the committee rooms, and also of
challengers, watchers and messengers employed in the registra-
tion rooms, in the voting rooms and at the polls; (/) the travel-
ing and other legitimate expenses of political agents, commit-