ACT. 33. ] ELECTIONS. 125
tinue. Nothing in this Act shall prevent the treasurer or
political agent of any candidate from being the treasurer or
political agent of any other candidate, and any candidate for
public office may designate himself as his own political agent.
No person shall be appointed or act as treasurer or political
Agent in any election or primary election who is not a citizen
. and resident of the State of Maryland.
SEC. 163. Every political committee shall appoint and con-
stantly maintain a treasurer to receive, keep and disburse all
sums of money, or other valuable things, which may be col-
lected, received or disbursed by such committee or by any of
its members for any purposes mentioned in Section 162 of this
Article, or for which such committee exists or acts, and unless
such treasurer is first so appointed and maintained, it shall be
unlawful and a violation of this article for a political com-
mittee, or any of its members, to collect or receive or disburse
money, or other valuable things, for any such purposes. The
treasurer appointed under this Act by the State Central Com-
mittee' of any party, and the treasurer appointed in any county
or in the city of Baltimore, by the members of the State Central
Committee for such county or city of any party, and the treas-
urer appointed by the city committee of any party in the city of
Baltimore, before proceeding to act shall give bond to the State
of Maryland in such penalty as the committee by whom he
shall be appointed shall prescribe conditioned for the faithful
performance by him of the duties of his office, without loss or
detriment to any person interested in the performance of such
duties; upon which bond an action may be maintained in the
name of the State of Maryland for the use of any person inter-
ested in the faithful performance of his said duties, and in-
jured by a breach of the condition of said bond. The premium
required to be paid for such bond may be paid by him out of the
funds that shall come into his hands as such treasurer and
shall be allowed to him as a credit in the settlement of his ac-
counts. All money or other valuable things collected, received
or disbursed by any political committee, or by any member or
members thereof, for any of the purposes aforesaid, shall be
paid over to and made to pass through the hands of the treas-
urer of such committee and shall be disbursed by him, and not
otherwise; and it shall be unlawful and a violation of this
article for any political committee or for any member or mem-
bers of a political committee, to disburse or expend money or
any other valuable things, for any of said purposes until the
money or other valuable things so disbursed or expended shall
have passed through the hands of the treasurer of such commit-
tee; and any person other than a member of such political com-