same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following fifteen
sections, under the sub-title of "Election Expenses and Prohibi-
tion of Corrupt Practices at Elections, " to follow Section 160
of said Article thirty-three, as now enacted, and to be known as
Sections 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172,
173, 174 and 175 of said Article thirty-three, "Election Ex-
penses and Prohibition of Corrupt Practices at Elections. "
SEC. 161. The provisions of this Act shall apply to all elec-
tions of all. officers for whom ballots shall be cast pursuant to
the provisions of this article of the Code of Public General
Laws, and to the election of all officers by the General Assembly
of Maryland and to all primary elections preliminary to any
such other elections, and to all candidates to be voted for at any
such elections or primary elections, and the term "Primary
Elections" shall include, (a) all elections held to nominate a
candidate for any public office, or to elect delegates to a nom-
nating convention; (b) nominating conventions of such dele-
gates; (e) caucuses of members of the General Assembly.
SEC. 162. The term "Political Committee, " within the mean-
ing of this Act, shall include every committee or combination
of two or more persons to aid or promote the success or defeat
of any political party or principle in any election, or of any
proposition submitted to vote at a public election, or to aid or
take part in the nomination or election of any candidate for
public office. The term "Treasurer" shall include all persons
appointed by any political committee or candidate for nomina-
tion or election to any public office, to receive or disburse moneys
to aid or promote the success or defeat -of any such party, prin-
ciple or candidate. The term "Political Agent" shall include all
persons appointed by any candidate before any election, or pri-
mary election, to assist him in his candidacy. No person shall
act as any such treasurer or political agent unless, after his
appointment, and before the primary or election for which he is
appointed, a writing, signed by the political committee or can-
didate appointing him and designating him as such treasurer or
political agent, shall be filed with the Secretary of State, ex-
cept that in case the duties of such treasurer or political agent
shall relate to any county, city, ward or district election exclu-
sively, or to any primary election preliminary thereto, such
writing shall be filed with the clerk of the Circuit Court of the
county within which such treasurer of political agent resides,
or with the clerk of the Circuit Court of Baltimore city, if such
treasurer or political agent resides in Baltimore city, instead
of with said Secretary of State. Every such writing shall
designate the particular period, election or primary election
within which such treasurership or political agency shall con-