ACT. 33. ] ELECTIONS. 123
lected shall be paid unto the informer and the other half to
the County Commissioners of any county for the use of the pub-
lic roads.
SEC. 160w. Nothing whatsoever in this Act shall be taken or
construed to prevent the application to the primary elections
held hereunder and to the acts of all persons in connection with
or relating to said primary elections of the provisions, prohibi-
tions and penalties prescribed in Chapter 122 of the Acts of
the General Assembly of Maryland of 1908, relating to corrupt
practices at general and primary elections in this State and
all the provisions, prohibitions and penalties prescribed in said
Act, so far as the same relate to primary elections, are hereby
declared to be applicable to the primary elections in this Act
provided for.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any law or laws heretofore
enacted affecting the subject of primary elections in any of the
respective counties of the State be and the same are hereby re-
pealed, except so far as such laws or any of them may be saved
by the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That sections three and four of
this Act shall take effect on and after the 1st day of January,
Approved April 6, 1908.
AN ACT to amend Article thirty-three of the Code of Public
Genera] Laws of Maryland of 1904, entitled "Elections, " by
adding thereto fifteen additional sections relating to ex-
penses at and concerning elections for public office, and for
nominations thereto, and to the conduct of all such elections
and the prohibition of corrupt practices at or in connections
with the same, and providing for judicial inquiries and pro-
ceedings concerning the expenses and conduct of all such,
elections, and providing consequences and penalties for the
violation of this Act, said additional sections to be under the
sub-title "Election Expenses and Prohibition of Corrupt
Practices at Elections, " and to follow Section 160 of said
Article thirty-three as now enacted, and to be known as Sec-
tions 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172,
173, 174 and 175 of said Article thirty-three.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article thirty-three of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland of 1904, entitled "Elections, " be and the