viction thereof be fined not less than ten ($10) dollars or more
than one hundred ($100) dollars. It shall be unlawful for the
keeper of any hotel, tavern, store or any other establishment, or
for any persons or person, corporation or corporations, directly
or indirectly, to sell, barter, give or dispose of any spirituous
or fermented liquors, ale or beer, or intoxicating drinks of any
kind on the day of any primary election hereafter to be held in
any county, any person or corporation violating the provisions
of this action shall be liable for indictment, and shall, upon con-
viction, be fined not less than fifty ($50) dollars or more than
one hundred ($100) dollars for each offense, one-half of the
fine shall be paid to the informer, and the other half to the
County Commissioners for the use of public roads. Any person
who shall make an}' bet or wager upon the result of any pri-
mary election to take place in any county shall be liable to in-
dictment, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less
than fifty ($50) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dol-
lars to be paid to the County Commissioners for the use of the
public roads.
SEC. 160v. Whoever shall electioneer, conduct a voter (ex-
cept when physical disability requires assistance) or attempt
to influence the vote of any voter, within one hundred feet of
any polling place of any primary election in any county or
who shall place a distinguishing mark upon any ballot or en-
velope delivered to for the use of any voter at any such primary
election, or who shall provide for or enclose in any envelope to
be used in voting such ballot, any inclosure whereby to identify
the ballot, or who shall endeavor to induce any voter within the
polling place to show how his ballot has been marked, or who
shall carry away or attempt to carry away from the polls be-
fore the closing thereof any envelope or envelopes of the char-
acter used, or who shall deliver to any voter for use in casting
his ballot, or use any ballot or envelope different from those
provided for in this Act or who shall show the face of a
marked ballot to any judge, clerk, officer or other person inside
of or within one hundred feet of the polls before the polls close
or who shall induce, request, directly or indirectly agree with or
encourage a voter to keep his ballot in sight of any person or
persons from the time at which its contents are known by any
such person or persons or his associate or associates until
delivered to the judge for enclosure in the envelope to be de-
posited in the ballot box, shall upon conviction thereof be pun-
ished by a fine of not less than fifty ($50) dollars nor more
than two hundred ($200) dollars, or by imprisonment in jail
for not less than fifteen days nor more than six months, or by
both such fine and imprisonment, and one-half of such fine col-