ACT. 33. ] ELECTIONS. 121
misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished -by
imprisonment in jail for not less than three months nor more
than one year, or by a fine of not less than twenty-five (|25)
dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or by
both fine and imprisonment, and the informer shall receive one-
half of the fine collected and the other half shall be paid to the
County Commissioners of the county for the use of public
SEC. 160s. If any person upon the day of primary election, or
before the canvass of the votes is completed shall conceal or
wilfully break or destroy any ballot box-used or intended to
be used at such primary election, or shall wilfully or fraudu-
lently conceal, secrete or remove any such ballot box or the
primary election register or any of the envelopes or other para-
phernalia provided for holding such primaries from the custody
of the judge or judges of primary election or other proper per-
son in charge thereof, or shall alter, deface, injure or destroy
or conceal any ballot which has been deposited in any ballot
box at such primary election which has not been counted and
canvassed, or any poll-list or primary election register used at
such primary election or any report, return, certificate or any
evidence in this Act required, he shall upon conviction thereof
be adjudged guilty of a felony and shall for each and every
such offense be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary
for not less than one nor more than five years.
SEC. 160T. If any judge or clerk of any primary election
shall without urgent necessity be late at the opening of the
polls, or shall absent himself therefrom during the primary
election or during the canvass of the ballots or the making up
of the returns, or shall receive any vote or proceed with the
canvass of ballots, or shall consent thereto unless a majority
of the judges of the primary election in said election district
are present and concur, he shall, upon conviction thereof be ad-
judged guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by im-
prisonment in jail for not less than ten or more than ninety
days, or by fine of not less than ten ($10) dollars or more than
two hundred ($200) dollars, or by both such fine and imprison-
ment in the discretion of the court.
SEC. 160u. Whoever, during the hours of any primary elec-
tion or canvass of votes or of making returns thereof in any
election district, shall bring, take, order or send into, or shall
attempt to bring or take or send into any place of primary elec-
tion any distilled or spirituous liquors, wine, ale or beer, or
shall at any such time and place, drink or partake of such
liquor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon con-