permanently or until after the votes are canvassed by the
proper governing body and the results finally announced, or
who shall fraudulently make an entry, evasive or alteration
therein, except as allowed and directed by the provisions of this
Act to do, or who permits or encourages any other person to
do so, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of
not less than one hundred ($100) dollars and not more than
one thousand ($1000) dollars, or by imprisonment in jail for
not less than ninety days and not more than two years, or by
both such fine and imprisonment, the informer to receive one-
half of the fine collected and the other half shall be paid to the
County Commission of the county for use of the public roads.
SEC. 160Q. If any person shall wilfully disobey any lawful
command of any judge of primary election given in the execu-
tion of his duty at any primary election, or if during any pri-
mary election or during the canvass of votes cast thereat or
during any subsequent canvass of returns by the governing body
holding such primary election, any person shall cause any
breach of the peace or be guilty of any disorder, violence or
threats of violence whereby any such primary election or can-
vass shall be impeded or hindered or whereby the lawful pro-
ceedings of any judge, clerk or governing body of such party,
or challenger or watcher or person designated to be present
during the reception or canvass of any ballots, are interfered
with, any such person shall, upon conviction thereof, be ad-
judged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine
of not less than twenty-five ($25) dollars nor more than five
hundred ($500) dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SEC. 160R. If any person knowingly or wilfully shall ob-
struct, hinder or assault, or by bribery, solicitation or otherwise
interfere with any judge or clerk or challenger or member of
the governing body of any party holding such primary election,
in the performance of any duty required by him or which he
may by law be authorized or permitted to perform, or if any
person by any of the means before mentioned or otherwise un-
lawfully shall, on any day of primary election, or of canvass
of the returns of such primary election shall hinder or pre-
vent any judge, clerk, challenger and watcher or member of
the governing body of any party holding any primary election,
in his free attendance and presence at the place of holding such
primary election or of canvassing the returns therefrom or in
his full and free access to and from any room where the same
is held or shall molest, interfere with, remove or eject from any
such place of voting or of canvassing, any such judge, clerk, or
challanger and watcher, or shall unlawfully threaten or at-
tempt or offer so to do, every such person shall be guilty of a