he seeks to be nominated, and five days thereafter he shall pay
to the State Central Committee or other governing body for
such county the sum estimated by such committee or governing
body as his fair proportionate part necessary to defray the ex-
penses, provided that in the case of candidates for office said
proportionate parts shall be estimated according to the number
of candidates and the salaries of the various offices sought.
SEC. 160D. The ballots to be used at all primary elections
held under this Act shall be caused to be prepared and printed
by the State Central Committee or other governing body of the
political parties of the respective counties with the names of
candidates for any given office arranged alphabetically and ac-
cording to surname, on opaque white paper of uniform size and
in number not less than twice the number of registered voters,
and shall be delivered by the said State Central Committee or
other governing body to the return judge in each and every dis-
trict or precinct of the respective counties at least three days
before the day of the primary election and said committee or
governing body shall print at the same time and distribute to
any candidate ordering and paying the cost of the same any
number of official ballots such candidates may desire. Said
ballots shall contain the names of all delegates to any conven-
tion who shall have complied with the requirements of the
aforegoing section or the names of all candidates to be voted
upon by direct vote who have complied with the aforegoing re-
quirements, as the case may be.
SEC. 160E. The primary election shall, as far as practicable,
be held in the vicinity of the place of holding general elections
in the several precincts, or districts of the respective counties
of the State, and the Board of Election Supervisors of such
county shall, before each primary election held under the provi-
sions of this Act, provide each such return judge with one of
the ballot boxes used at the general elections held in such
county and with the aforesaid list of qualified voters for the
respective precincts or district, and the State Central Commit-
tee or other governing bodies of the respective parties shall fur-
nish or cause to be furnished and delivered to the return judge
in each and every polling place of the respective counties, two
poll books, two tally sheets and official ballots double in num-
ber the registered voters in such precinct or district and blank
oaths of sufficient number for election officers, and plain opaque
white gummed envelopes of uniform size in number 25 per cent,
more than the estimated vote of such party in said precinct or
district, as the case may be.