ACT. 33. ] ELECTIONS. 111
SEC. 160p. The candidates whose names appear upon the bal-
lot at each primary election shall be entitled to have at each
polling place not exceeding five watchers or challengers who
shall be permitted to remain inside of such polling place from
the opening of the polls until the count is concluded and the
ballot box is sealed as provided for in this Act, no candidate
or set. of candidates shall be represented by more than one such
challenger or watcher, and such challengers or watchers shall
be recognized to the extent of five in number in each district
under written authority from the candidates and shall be pre-
ferred according to the number of candidates so authorizing
each such watcher or challenger until the maximum number
shall have been reached.
SEC. 160G. The judges and clerks appointed as provided in
the aforegoing section, shall assemble in their respective pre-
cincts or districts of the several counties at the time and place
designated by the State Central Committee or other governing
body. They shall place the ballot box empty and locked and
after permitting the challenger to fully examine the same when
so placed in some conspicuous place where it may be easily
seen by all the voters. No person shall be permitted to vote in
any primary election to be held hereunder unless he shall be a
registered voter in the election district in which he desires to
vote and a member of the party at whose primary election he
tenders his ballot and no person shall vote in the primary elec-
tion of more than one party and not more than once in any
primary and any registered voter who at the last preceding
election voted for the electors for President or Vice-President
of the United States, or Governor of the State of Maryland, or
Comptroller or other State candidate, or the county candidates
of the party at whose primary he tenders his ballot, or regis-
tered voter who shall attain the age of twenty-one years prior to
the next election, or who having failed to vote at such last elec-
tion, declares his intention to vote at the next succeeding elec-
tion for the candidates named by the party at whose election he
tenders his ballot shall be deemed a member of such party and
entitled to vote at such primary election. The voter shall pre-
pare his ballot by cancelling, using a black pencil, the names of
those for whom he does not desire to vote by running or making
a pencil line or lines through said names, and the names of
those voted for are to be indicated by the absence of any
cancellation of their names. Each ballot cast at any such
primary election shall be handed by the voter, to one of the
judges of the election, folded so that the contents thereof can
not be seen, and the judge of election so receiving such ballot
shall place the same in a plain, white opaque envelope, to be