as the said County Commissioners may fix. The Supervisors
of Elections of the City of Baltimore shall have a clerk at a
salary of two thousand dollars, and 'a messenger at a salary of
eight hundred dollars per annum. The said clerks, and in the
city of Baltimore the said messenger, shall be appointed by
the respective Boards of Supervisors, and shall be removable
by them in their discretion. In Baltimore city the clerks and
messenger, with the approval of the Supervisors, shall, from
time to time, secure such temporary assistance as may be nec-
essary for the proper transaction of the business of the office,
but the compensation of such assistants to be paid by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, upon requisition by the said
Supervisors, shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars
in any one year.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1898.
AN ACT to submit to the legal and qualified voters of the
Town of Cambridge in Dorchester -County, the question
whether or not liquor shall be sold in said town, and to add
certain new sections to Article 10 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Dorchester County," sub title "Liquors
and Intoxicating Drinks," to follow Section 213, and to be
designated as Sections 213 A, 213 B, 213 C, 213 D, 213 B, 213 F
and 213 G.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Election to
be held.
land, That the question of whether or not any persons may
be licensed to sell spirituous or fermented liquors within the
limits of the town of Cambridge, Dorchester county, shall be
submitted to the qualified voters of said town, as qualified by
law to vote at the municipal elections thereof, of the fourth
Tuesday in May next, which election shall be held at the court
house in said town between the hours of eight o'clock A. M.
and six o'clock P. M., during which time the polls shall be kept
open by the judges of election.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted; That the Town Commissioners
Notice of
of said town shall and they are hereby directed to give notice
of said election, by advertisement inserted once in each of three
successive weeks prior to the day of election in such newspaper
or newpapers published in said town of Cambridge aa the said