tion in-
Third. That the annual appropriation hitherto granted to
the college by the General Assembly for the purposes of pro-
moting higher education in Maryland, having been proved
inadequate to meet the demands of the people, be increased.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Board of Visitors and Governors of St. John's
plans, etc.
College, Annapolis, Maryland, be and it is hereby authorized
and directed to contract with and employ a good practical and
experienced architect to prepare, under its direction and ap-
proval, plans, specifications and drawings for the proposed
new buildings or enlargement of existing buildings of said
college ; and the said Board of Visitors and Governors shall,
after a plan for the same is adopted, advertise for bids for the
Advertise for
erection of said building or enlargement, and shall award the
contract for the same to the lowest responsible bidder for said
work, who shall forthwith execute a good and sufficient bond
in such penalty and with such security as the said board shall
prescribe and approve, conditioned upon the faithful perform-
ance of his contract ; provided, that the person to whom the
contract for the erection of said building or enlargement is
awarded, shall be a bona fide resident or the State of Mary-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer, on the war-
rant of the Comptroller, be and is hereby authorized and
Applied to
the erection
of said
directed to pay to the said Board of Visitors and Governors,
the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,1)00) in three equal
installments of tive thousand dollars ($5,000) each, on the first
days of June, September and December next succeeding the
passage of this Act, to be by the said board applied to the
erection of said proposed building or enlargement, and the
equipment thereof.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer, on the war-
rant of the Comptroller, be and is hereby authorized and
directed, in addition to the sums annually paid to the said
Visitors and Governors as already prescribed and established
by law, to pay to the said board, or to their orders, the sum of
seven thousand dollars ($7,000), annually, in quarterly pay-
ments, beginning from the first day of July next, to be applied
by said board to the creation of fifty-two (52) additional
scholarships, of the annual value of one hundred and thirty-
five dollars ($135), whereby needy and deserving students shall
be partially aided and assisted in providing the cost of tuition,
board, or other expenses of education at St. John's College, as
set forth in the annual prospectus or catalogue of the college,