vious to such sale under or by virtue of its charter, or any
amendments thereto, or of other laws of this State, or the laws
of any other State, or of the United States; provided, that as
to any property located within this State, such corporation
shall thereafter be subject to the exercise by this State of the
power of taxation, subject to the provisions of the Constitution
of this State and of the United States, notwithstanding the
contract of exemption from taxation contained in the Act of
Assembly of 1826, chapter 123, or the contract of exemption
contained in the Act of Assembly of 1878, chapter 155.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in addition to its other
powers the corporation so formed shall have, and from time to
time, as occasion arises, may exercise the following powers, or
any of them, to wit :
With the approval of two-thirds in amount of the stock-
holders represented and voted at a meeting called for that pur-
pose, it may from time to time lease, use, operate and consoli-
date with or purchase or otherwise acquire, or be leased, used,
operated by or consolidated with any railroad or transportation
company now or hereafter incorporated by or under the laws of
the United States or any of the States thereof, or any ope or
more of such railroad or transportation companies, whether such
company be formed by the consolidation of other companies or
not; and from time to time it may consolidate its capital stock,
property and franchises, by change of name or otherwise, with
the capital stock, property and franchises of any other such
railroad or transportation company upon such terms as may be
agreed upon by the respective companies, and power is hereby
granted to any railroad or transportation company or companies
incorporated by or under any general or special Act or Acts of
the General Assembly of the State of Maryland, with the
approval of two-thirds in amount of its or their shareholders
respectively represented and voting at a meeting or meetings
called for that purpose, to make and carry out such contracts
of consolidation, or lease, sale or other method of acquisition
or disposition ; provided, that in all consolidations a copy of
the agreement therefor shall be filed in the office of the Secre-
tary of State, and shall contain no provisions which exempt so
much of the lines of railroad of the consolidated companies as
lie within this State from the operation of the laws of this
The corporation organized hereunder may also, from time to
time, purchase, own and hold bonds or other evidences of debt
and shares of capital stock of any railroad company or compa-
Exercise cer-
tain powers,