vice (if such directors be divided into classes holding office for
different periods, as is hereby authorized,) the amount of capi-
tal stock of such corporation, the number of shares into which
such stock is divided, and the par value thereof, which stock
may consist wholly of common stock or partly common stock
and partly preferred stock, in classes, series or grades, as here-
after authorized, and may be issued in whole or in part as fully
paid-up stock in payment or part payment for the property
purchased or acquired as herein provided ; and the person sign-
ing such certificate, and their successors, shall be a body corpo-
rate and politic under the name specified in such certificate and
empowered to sue and be sued, contract and be contracted
with, to have and use a common or corporate seal, and to alter
the same at pleasure, to own, maintain, possess and operate the
railroads and properties of whatever kind mentioned in such
certificate or any part or portion thereof, and to transact all
business connected with the same. A copy of such certificate
attested by the Secretary of State shall in all courts and places
be evidence of the due organization and existence of such cor-
poration and of the other matters specified in such certificate.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporation so formed
Power giver
shall have full power and authority itself to purchase or to
acquire from the purchaser or purchasers at any sale or sales
made by virtue of any mortgage or deed of trnst, whether
under foreclosure or other judicial proceedings or pursuant to
any power contained in said mortgage or deed of trust, any
railroad or other property, or any portion thereof, of whatever
kind of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company or of any
company whose line of railroad was at the date of said
receivership leased, operated or controlled through ownership
of stock or otherwise by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company, or whose line of railroad forms part of the Balti-
more and Ohio system of railroads now held and operated by
the receivers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
appointed by any of said circuit courts of the United States.
And upon such purchase or acquisition and in respect to the
railroad property purchased or acquired, and the real and per-
sonal property appertaining to the same, the said corporation
shall have, possess and be invested with all the powers, rights,
immunities, privileges and franchises (including all powers to
acquire and hold property, real and personal, and to build
branches, extensions or lateral railroads) which were possessed
or enjoyed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company or
other company owning or holding such railroad property pre-