delphia road to the corner formed by the intersection of the
sooth side of the Philadelphia road with the east side of the
North Point road ; thence along the east side of said North
Point road in a southeasterly direction to the private right of
way leading into Keller's Pavilion and Park, near what is
known as "Long's Battle Ground House;" thence in a line due
south to the nearest point at the head of Bear creek ; thence
in a southerly direction along the centre of said creek to the
Patapsco river ; thence along the northern shores of said river
to the eastern limits of Baltimore city; and thence northerly
along the eastern limits of Baltimore city to the place of
beginning ; and that all that portion of Baltimore county
included within the lines and boundaries hereinbefore men-
tioned in this section, shall be known and designated as "The
Twelfth Election District of Baltimore County."
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all that portion of Balti-
more county, (to wit, all that portion of the twelfth election
district of Baltimore county as heretofore constituted,) included
within the following lines, limits and boundaries in this sec-
tion mentioned, be and the same is hereby constituted the four-
teenth election district of Baltimore county : Beginning for the
same at the eastern limits of Baltimore city in the centre of the
Baltimore and Harford turnpike road, and running thence
along the centre of said turnpike road to White Marsh run ;
thence along the centre of said White Marsh run to the south
side of the Philadelphia road ; thence in a southwesterly
direction along the south side of the Philadelphia road to
the eastern limits of Baltimore city ; thence northerly along
the eastern limits of Baltimore city to the place of beginning ;
and that all that portion of Baltimore county included within
the lines and boundaries hereinbefore mentioned in this section
shall be known and designated as "The Fourteenth Election
District of Baltimore county."
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all that portion of Baltimore
county, (to wit., all that portion of the twelfth election dis-
trict of Baltimore county as heretofore constituted,) included
within the following lines, limits and boundaries in this section
mentioned, be and the same ie hereby coustituted the fifteenth
election district of Baltimore county : Beginning for the
same at the intersection of the south side of the Philadel-
phia road and the centre of White Marsh run, and running
thence along the centre of White Marsh run to Bird river;
thence along the shores and inlets of Bird river to the Gun-
powder river ; thence along the shores and inlets of the Gun-