the said increase to be made in shares at the par value of $100
(one hundred dollars) each, as provided for in said chapter 52
of the Acts of 1896, and the clause in section 2 of said chapter
52, proving that the stockholders, at the time of increase, shall
be entitled to a pro rata share of such increase upon payment
of the par value of the same, shall not apply to this present
increase of $500,000 (tive hundred thousand dollars) or any
part thereof, and they shall not be entitled to a pro rata share
of such increase upon the payment of the par value of the
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2, 1898.
AN ACT to divide the Twelfth Election District of Balti-
more County into three Election Districts, to be known as
"The Twelfth Election Dis'trict of Baltimore County," and
''The Fourteenth Election District of Baltimore County," and
"The Fifteenth Election District of Baltimore County," and to
constitute said division into Election Districts of Baltimore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the twelfth election district of Baltimore county
be and the same is hereby divided into three election districts,
to be known as "The Twelfth Election District of Baltimore
County," "The Fourteenth Election District of Baltimore
County," and "The Fifteenth Election District of Baltimore
County," and that the said three divisions be and the same are
hereby constituted election districts of Baltimore county, and
that they shall be known and designated by the names afore-
said, and shall be included within the lines, limits and bounda-
ries hereinafter mentioned.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all that portion of Balti-
more county, (to wit, all that portion of the twelfth election
district of Baltimore county as heretofore constituted,) included
Divided into
within the following lines, limits and boundaries in this section
mentioned, be and the same is hereby constituted the twelfth
election district of Baltimore county : Beginning for the same
at the intersection of the eastern limits of Baltimore city and
the south side of the Philadelphia road, and running thence in
a northeasterly direction along the south side of said Phila-