powder river and along the shores and inlets of Saltpetre creek
and Chesapeake hay to Middle river ; thence along all the shores
and inlets of Middle river to Chesapeake bay and to Back
river ; thence along all the shores and inlets of Back river
to Chesapeake bay and to the Patapsco river ; thence along all
the shores and inlets of the Patapsco river to the centre of
Bear creek : thence along the Centre of Bear creek and along
one of the headings of said creek to a point nearest to the point
of intersection of the North Point road and a private right of
way leading to Keller's pavilion and park, and near what is
known as " Long's Battle Ground House;" thence along the
east side of said North Point road in a northerly direction to
to the Philadelphia road, and thence along the south side of
the Philadelphia road to the place of beginning] and that all
that portion of Baltimore county in this section described,
being all that portion of the twelfth election district of Balti-
more county as formerly constituted, which is not included in
the twelfth and fourteenth election districts of Baltimore
county, as hereby constituted, shall be known and designated
as "The Fifteenth Election District of Baltimore County,"
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all the Public General Laws
and Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland relating to
the several election districts of Baltimore county, be and the
same are hereby made applicable to the said twelfth, four-
teenth and fifteenth election districts of Baltimore county,
as hereby constituted.
Made appli-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all Acts and parts of Acts
inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Super-
visors of Elections of Baltimore county shall immediately
after the passage of this Act lay off and divide the said
twelfth, fourteenth and fifteenth election districts into election
precincts in the manner prescribed by section 117 of Article
33 of the Code of Public General Laws, as the same was
amended and re-enacted by the Act of 1896, chapter 202, and
whenever by the provisions of this Act or as a result of such
division and laying out of said precincts, any election precinct
now existing shall be divided between two precincts, the said
Board of Supervisors of Elections shall label one of the two
original registries of said precinct as divided, substantially as
follows : "Original registry election precinct of the
election district of Baltimore county," filling the said
blanks with the new precinct and district numbers respectively
of one portion of said precinct, and shall label the other origi-
Duty of board
of super-