pay, and whose duty it shall be to visit the paid ahnshouse at
least four times during the year of their incumbency of said
office, and to examine and inspect all the buildings belonging^
to said almshouse property, occupied or intended to be occu-
pied by inmates thereof, together with the furniture and equip-
ment thereof, for the purpose of ascertaining how said institu-
tion is kept and managed, and what facilities are provided for
the health and comfort of said inmates, and generally, how the
said institution is conducted, and whether or not improvements
can be made therein. It shall be the duty of the overseer of
the poor to furnish said board of visitors with every facility to
enable them to make thorough and complete examination as
aforesaid. The said visitors shall after each visit report to the
Board of County Commissioners of Harford County the result
of their inspection in writing, together with any recommenda-
tions with reference to the care and conduct of the said alms-
house and its management which they may see fit to make.
253 A. The board of visitors for the alrnshouse to be
appointed annually by the Circuit Court for Harford county,
as provided in section 20 A of this Article, shall also constitute
a board of visitors for the county jail of said county, and shall
visit and examine quarterly the said jail in the same manner as
provided in said section ; they shall visit and examine the
county almshouse, and they shall after each visit, in like
manner, report the result of eaid visit to the Board of County
Commissioners for "Harford County," together with any
recommendations they may see fit to make, and it shall be the
duty of the sheriff of said county to facilitate them in their
examination and investigation.
SEQ. 2. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1898.
AN ACT providing for a State subscription to the " Third
Edition of Pleading and Practice in Courts of Common
Law, by John Prentiss Poe," appropriating the. necessary
sum of money to pay therefor, and directing the distribu-
tion of the cppies of said work when delivered.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the State Librarian be and she is hereby author-
ized and directed to subscribe for one hundred sets of the
"Third Edition of Pleading and Practice in Courts of Com-