follows : Beginning at a point on the road leading from Upper
Marlboro to Groome, where the corporate limits of Upper
Marlboro crosses said road, it being near the rectory of the
Protestant Episcopal Church in Upper Marlboro, and running
with road until it reaches the boundary line of Nottingham
District or Election District No. 4 ; thence with the present
line separating Election District No. 3, or Marlboro District,
from Election District No. 4, or Nottingham District ; thence
with the boundary line separating Election District No. 3, or
Marlboro District, from Election District No. 11, or Brandy-
wine District, to the line separating said Election District No.
3 from Election District No. 9, or Surratts District; thence
with the line separating the two last mentioned districts, to
Spalding's District line near the store house of Enos F. Pum-
phrey; thence with the road from Washington to Marlboro,
formerly a, turn pike, to a point on said road where a road turns
off leading to Camp Springs, said point being a little west of
the present residence of George W. Richardson ; thence in a
straight line northwardly to A. B. Sansbnry's store ; thence
with the public road in front of said store, which leads from
Forestville to W. H. Shuler's residence, leaving said store in
Spalding's District eastwardly, to the Marlboro District line at
the intersection of the last mentioned road and the road which
leads to the county almshouse ; thence with the line separating
Marlboro and Spalding's Districts to the line of Election Dis-
trict No. 13, or Kent District ; thence with the line separating
Marlboro and Kent Districts to a road which intersects said
line at a point between the farms of the heirs of the late
William J. Bowie and Corydore Coville; thence with said
road through the farm of John F. McGregor past the farms
of Elisha E. Berry, John H. Traband and others, until it
reaches the bridge on the road from Marlboro to Washington,
near the residence of George C. Merrick ; thence with the cor-
porate limits of Upper Marlboro, first in a westwardly and
then in a southernly direction to the beginning, leaving all of
the town of Upper Marlboro in the third or Marlboro Election
SEC. 3. And he it enacted, That the place of holding elec-
Place of
tions in said 'Election District No. 15, or Mellwood District,
shall be at or near the point on the road leading from Marlboro
to Washington, where there was formerly a toll gate, and which
is commonly called "Mellwood."