WHEREAS, By chapter 50 of the Acts of Assembly of 1872
the New Central Coal Company, as the successor to the Lin-
coln Coal, Iron, Fire-brick and Oil Company of Allegany
county, was authorized to increase its capital stock to the sum
of tive million dollars, which under said authority was done ;
WHEREAS, The amount of said capital stock is now largely
in excess of the requirements of said company, and it is desir-
ous of reducing the same; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That "The New Central Coal Company" be and it is
heieby authorized to reduce its capital stock from tive million
to one million dollars, and to change the par value of the shares
of said capital stock, when so reduced, from one hundred dol-
Authorized to
reduce Its
lars a share to twenty dollars a share, by a vote of the stock-
holders owning at least two-thirds of the stock of said corpo-
ration, taken at a meeting of the stockholders to be specially
called for that purpose. Notice of said meeting signed by a
majority of the directors, and specifying its object, and the time
and place when it is to be held, shall be published in a news-
paper published in Allegany county f or at least four successive
weeks, and printed copies thereof shall be deposited in the
post office, stamped and addressed to the proper addres of each
stockholder, at least three successive weeks previous to the day
fixed for the holding of said meeting. If, at the time of said
meeting, if it shall appear from the canvass of the votes, that
at least two-thirds in amount of the entire capital stock of said
corporation has been given in favor of reducing the capital
stock from five millions to one million dollars, and of changing
the par value of the shares from one hundred to twenty dollars
a share, a certificate of the proceedings showing a compliance
herewith shall be made out and signed by the chairman and
sworn to by the president, which certificate shall be recorded
in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany
county ; and when such certificate has been so filed and
recorded, the capital stock of said company and the par value
of the shares of said stock shall be reduced in conformity to
the provisions of this Act, and the officers of said company
shall call in the stock now outstanding, and shall issue to each
stockholder certificates for as many shares of the new stock as
equal the number of shares of the old stock held by him.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2, 1898.