AN ACT tor palate the compensation of the County Com-
missioners of/Queen Anne's County, and to add a sub-sec-
tion to Secti/n 126, of Article eighteen of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws, entitled "Queen Anne's County," sub-title
"County Commissioners," to be designated as Section 126 A,
and to repeal all laws inconsistent therewith, as follows :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, that a sub section to section one hundred and twenty-six
of Article eighteen of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, entitled "Qneen Anne's County," sub-title "County
Commissioners," and to be designated as section 126 A, be and
the same is hereby added to said article eighteen.
126 A. The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County
now in office, and those hereafter elected to said office, shall
meet as often as necessary from the first day of January in
each year until the first day of January next succeeding, and
shall meet at least once a week during the above stated time,'
and they shall receive as compensation such per diem as now is
allowed by law; provided, that no such County Commissioner
shall receive in any year as such compensation a sum exceed-
ing six hundred dollars ; and that all Acts or parts of Acts
inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed.
rime of
SEO. 2. And ~be it enacted. That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2, 1898.
AN ACT to amend the Act of Assembly, January Session,
1872,-Chapter 50, entitled "An Act to amend the Act of
January Session, 1865, Chapter 206, entitled 'An Act to
incorporate the Lincoln Coal, Iron, Fire-brick and Oil Com-
pany of Allegany County,' by adding thereto certain addi-
tional sections-, changing its name, and providing for an
increase of the number of Directors of the said Company,
and of its capital stock, and for the appointment of a Vice-
President to said Company," providing for the reduction of
the capital stock, and of the number of shares into which
said capital stock so reduced shall be divided.