It shall be the duty of each of said bailiffs to report at each
Duty of
regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council, in
writing and other oath, that they have each faithfully per-
formed their duties required by this section, and also report all
violations of the law brought to their sight or knowledge
within the time of said report and their actions in the premises,,
together with a statement of fees received by them, which said
reports shall be tiled and recorded among the proceedings of
the Mayor and City Council.
They shall each take an oath well and truly to perform the
duties required of them, or that may be required of them, by
Oath taken.
any ordinance of the Mayor and City Council, and give bond
for the faithful performance of their duties as prescribed by
this Act, in the penalty of five hundred dollars, with good and
sufficient sureties approved by the Mayor and City Council
within ten days after their appointment.
Any bailiff failing to perform the duties imposed upon him.
Removal of
on evidence of the fact being produced before the City Council,
shall be removed by the Mayor and another appointed in his
stead, or any bailiff may be removed at any time by the
Mayor with the assent of the City Council, when in their dis-
cretion he is incompetent or unfit to perform the duties required
of him by law.
Refusal of
A failure to qualify, as above provided, within ten days shall
be deemed a relusal of the office and authorize • another
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following additional
section ,
section be and the same is hereby added to Article 17 of the
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled ''Prince George's County, 'r
sub-title "Laurel," to be known as section 246 R.
^46 R. Be it enacted, That the Mayor and City Council of
Laurel shall have the right to require all persons offering to
sell any meats, merchandise, vegetables, .or other productions
or manufactured articles, en the streets of Laurel to obtain a
License to b
license before selling or offering to sell, and fix the cost there-
of not to exceed titty dollars per year for a two horse wagon
and twenty-five dollars for a one horse wagon or cart, and
license fee to be paid to the treasurer of the town of Laurel,
and to enforce the payment of such license by imposition of
fines, etc.
This section not to apply to any person who may sell or offer to
sell goods of his own manutticture, or any products of his own
raising in their natural condition.
Approved April 2, 1898.