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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 579   View pdf image (33K)
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thereof, or who may be charged with a violation thereof, from
an action of damages for any injury or destruction of any part
of the works used in supplying the City of Baltimore with
water, in any suit for damages on account of said injury,
brought by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.

SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall not
affect or impair any right vested or acquired and existing at
the time of the passage of said Act; provided, that this section
shall not be construed to make irrepealable or irrevocable any
right which before the passage of this Act was repealable or
revocable; nor shall said Act impair, discharge or release any
contract, obligation, duty, liability or penalty whatever now
existing. All suits and actions, both civil and criminal, pend-
ing or which may hereafter be instituted for causes of action
now existing or offences already committed against any law or
ordinance repealed by this Act, shall be instituted, proceeded
with and prosecuted to final determination and judgment as if
this Act had not been passed. No tax levied or any proceeding
taken for the collection of any such tax or the enforcement of
the payment of the same, before the passage of this Act, or the
taxes levied for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, if
levied after the passage of this Act, shall, in any manner be af-
fected by the passage of this Act, and the mode of procedure in
any such matter shall be the same as if this Act had not been

SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That all laws now in
force relating or applicable to the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore or the City of Baltimore, and not included in this
Act, and not inconsistent with said Act, and all ordinances of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore now in force and not
inconsistent with this Act, shall be and they are hereby con-
tinued until changed or repealed, respectively, by the General
Assembly of Maryland or the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, provided, that all Acts or parts of Acts passed at the
session of the General Assembly of Maryland in the year eigh-
teen hundred and ninety-eight, relating to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, or the City of Baltimore, or in any man-
ner amending or adding to Article 4 of the Code of Public


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 579   View pdf image (33K)
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