more with water, by swimming, bathing or washing therein, or
by washing, or causing to be washed therein, or so near thereto
as to pollute the water therein, any clothes, the skin of any
dead animal, or any impure, fetid or noxious animal or vege-
table matter, or shall throw, or cause to be thrown therein, or
so near thereto as to pollute the water therein, any impure,
fetid, or noxious animal or vegetable matter, the person so
offending shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than five nor
more than fifty dollars for each offence.
903. If any person shall erect, or cause to be erected, any
privy, hog pen, bleaching or dyeing establishment, or other
thing, over any lake, dam, reservoir, line of conduit, water-pipe,
gate-house or other work constructed or used for supplying the
City of Baltimore with water, or so near thereto as to pollute
or discolor the water therein, the person so offending shall for-
feit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and the further
sum of ten dollars for each and every day the same shall remain
after notice to remove same shall have been given.
904. If any person shall injure, or cause to be injured,
defaced or destroyed, any dam, reservoir, line of conduit, water-
pipe, gate-house, stop-cock, or other thing used for supplying
the City of Baltimore with water, the person so offending shall
forfeit and pay a sum of not less than five nor more than fifty
dollars for each offence.
905. All fines and forfeitures imposed by the preceding
section shall be recoverable by warrant before any Justice of
the Peace in and for the City of Baltimore, or in and for Balti-
more county, according to the respective jurisdiction under
which any of the offences herein set forth may be committed;
one-half to the informer and the other half to the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore.
906. The two preceding sections shall not be construed to
exempt any person who may have been fined for a violation