Local Laws, as said Article existed before the passage of this
Act, shall in no wise be affected by the passage of this Act,
but all such laws shall have the same force and effect as if this
Act had not been passed. The provisions of this Act shall
not have the effect to enlarge or extend in any manner the
rights or privileges of the Mayor and City Council or other
authorities of the City of Baltimore outside of the limits and
boundary of said City, beyond or in addition to those now
limited to, and exercised by said City under the present laws.
SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That all officers pro-
vided for or named in said Act, whether by election or appoint-
ment, shall continue to hold, exercise and discharge the duties
of their respective offices, until they shall be superseded under
the provisions of said Act, and until their successors shall be
duly qualified, and nothing contained in said Act shall be con-
strued to interfere with the continuity of the terms or tenure
of any of said officers ; nor shall a reappointment or re-election
of any of said officers be necessary in order to secure the said
continuity of their said terms and tenures of office, unless
otherwise provided in said Act.
SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage, and this Act shall not
be published, nor a certified copy of the same furnished to the
City Register, as required by the provisions of Article 76 of the
Code of Public General Laws.
Approved March 24, 1898.