899. The children received under the care and charge of
the corporations and institutions mentioned in this sub-division
of this Article shall be and remain under their control and re-
straint and under their charge, and of the officers and managers
and agents thereof, and bound to obedience to their rules, regu-
lations and discipline, to every effect as apprentices are bound
in respect to their masters and mistresses, and subject to all
laws concerning the duties, liabilities, privileges and rights of
apprentices, subject, however, to the powers hereinbefore in
this Article conferred upon the Supervisors of City Charities.
900. It shall not be lawful for any proprietor, lessee or
manager of any theatre, museum or other place of amusement,
to employ women or girls as waiters, or to permit them to act
in such theatre or place of amusement, or among the audience
or frequenters of such theatre or place of amusement as waiters,
or for the purpose or under the pretence of selling, serving, re-
ceiving orders or pay for spirituous or malt liquors, wines, lager
beer, or any other refreshments or merchandise.
901. Any person violating the provisions of the preceding
section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con-
viction thereof in the Criminal Court of Baltimore, shall be
sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor more
than one thousand dollars, or to imprisonment in jail not less
than one month nor more than six months, or to both fine and
imprisonment, at the discretion of the court, and to forfeiture
of license, one-half the fine to be paid to the informer and the
other half to the State.
Lake Roland, Reservoirs and Dams.
902. If any person shall wilfully pollute the water in any
lake, dam, reservoir, line of conduit, water-pipe, gate-house, or
other work constructed or used for supplying the City of Balti-