about the streets of said City, or who may be the children of
beggars; provided, however, that such children shall be under
the age of six years when so committed, and that the commit-
ment shall be in writing, signed by the person making the same.
897. All children who shall be committed or placed as
aforesaid, subject to the powers hereinbefore in this Article
conferred on the Supervisors of City Charities, shall remain
subject to the power and control of the officers and direc-
tors of said asylum, and may be bound or apprenticed or
otherwise disposed of by said officers and directors, as fully
and in the same manner as is provided for the foundlings and
infant orphan children in said asylum, by the Act of the Gen-
eral Assembly of 1862, chapter 93, entitled "An Act to author-
ize the Saint Vincent's Infant Asylum of the City of Baltimore
to bind out and control the destitute children under their care."
Henry Watson Children's Aid Society.
898. The Judges of the Orphans' Court of Baltimore City,
the Judge of the Criminal Court and any Justice of the Peace
are authorized and empowered to deal with and commit to,
and any police officer or constable or the Supervisors of City
Charities may take charge of and place temporarily in the care
of the President and Board of Managers of the Children's Aid
Society of Baltimore, any minor, whether male or female, in the
same manner and under the same circumstances as they are au-
thorized to deal with and commit minors to or place them in the
care and charge of the Home of the Friendless, under this sub-
division of this Article; and the President and Board of Man-
agers of said Children's Aid Society of Baltimore, are vested
in regard to all minors, male or female, with all the rights,
powers and authority which the Home of the Friendless or the
President and Managers thereof by this sub-division of this
Article are vested with; and are to observe the same forms and
regulations in regard to the binding out, adopting or otherwise
disposing of minors, male and female, committed to them by
virtue of this section.