men shall, within five days after the date of such death, refusal
to serve, disqualification, resignation, or removal out of the
taxable limits of the city, of an Alderman, or Aldermen, fix
the time for the holding of snch special election, which time
for such special election shall not be less than twenty days, nor
more than thirty days, after the date of such death, refusal to
serve, disqualification, resignation, or removal out of the taxa-
ble limits of the city; the polling places for such special elec-
tion shall be fixed in the same manner and by the same officials,
and the polls shall be kept open between the same hours, pre-
scribed for the holding of the regular elections of Alderman
under this sub-title of this Article. There shall be no special
registration of voters for such special election, and only those
persons whose names are on the lists of voters used at the
election of the person or persons, whose place, or places, is, or
are, to be filled shall be entitled to vote at the special election
herein provided for.
173. The Mayor, the City Register, the Alderman, and all
other officers of said city, before they enter upon the duties of
their respective offices, shall severally take the following oath
of office : " I solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the
office of ——— to the best of my knowledge and ability,
without favor, affection or partiality." The Mayor, City Regis-
ter and Aldermen shall qualify before the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Frederick County, or before one of his sworn depu-
ties ; all other officers of said city shall qualify before the Mayor,
who shall keep a full and correct record of all official oaths
administered by him in a well-bound book provided especially
for that purpose, which book shall be one of the public records
of his office, and shall at all times be open to public inspection.
174. The term of office of the Aldermen elected at the
regular elections, as provided in this sub-title of this Article,
shall begin on the first Monday of May next after their elec-
tion, on which day their first meeting shall be held, and shall
continue until their successors in office are duly elected and
qualified. The Mayor of said city may convene the Board of
Aldermen whenever and as often as it may appear to him that
the interests of the city require their deliberation.
Term of
177. The Mayor, by virtue of his office, shall be the presi-
dent of the Board of Aldermen, and shall preside at all meet-
ings of said board ; he may debate all questions before said
board, and in case of a tie, except in the passage of ordinances,
he shall have the deciding vote ; he ihall have the power to
veto any order, resolution or ordinance incurring any debt, or
Mayor to be
president of
the board of