preceding the election, possessing the qualifications, and who
shall be first duly registered, as prescribed in the subsequent
sections of this sub title of this Article, shall be qualified to
vote for a Mayor, a City Register, and for Aldermen, as here-
inafter directed ; all elections shall be by ballot, and no per-
son shall be entitled to vote at any election who is not duly
registered as hereinafter required.
157 On the third Tuesday in the month of April in the
Time of elec-
year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and on the same day in
every third year thereafter, the voters of Frederick City, quali-
fied as hereinafter prescribed, shall elect the Mayor, the City
Register and live Aldermen for the city in the manner follow-
ing, namely : the said city shall be divided into four voting
precincts, the outlines of which shall be as Jaid off and desig-
nated in section 104 of this Article for State and County
elections, so far as the same applies to >'rederick City, and
the said qualified voters of said city shall vote at their respec-
tive polls for a Mayor, for a City Register, and for tive Alder-
men, all of which officials shall be voted for at large by the
voters of the entire city.
159. No person shall be Alderman of the city unless he
of Alder-
sha.ll be at the time of his election a citizen of the United
States, above the age. of twenty-one years, and shall have been,
at the time of his election a resident of the city one year, and
shall be assessed on the tax books of the said city to the amount
of three hundred dollars.
171. In the case of the death, refusal to serve, disqualifica-
Case of death,
&c., of
Mayor or
City Regis-
tion, resignation, or removal of the Mayor, or City Register
out of the taxable limits of the city, the Board of Aldermen
shall elect a Mayor, or a City Register, or both of them, for
the residue of the term of office for which the said Mayor, or
City Register, was elected ; provided, that no person who has
been elected Alderman for the term during which such vacancy
occurs, or for any part thereof, shall be eligible to be elected
either Mayor or City Register to fill out such unexpired term
under this section.
172. In case of the death, refusal to serve, disqualification,
Case of death,
&c., of
resignation or removal of an Alderman, or Aldermen, out of
the taxable limits of the city, an election shall be held by the
voters of the said city to fill such vacancy, or vacancies, for
the remainder of such unexpired term, or terms, which special
election shall be held in the same manner and under the same
restrictions prescribed by this sub-title of this Article for the
holding of regular elections of Aldermen ; the Board of Alder-