thirty days after notification of their appointment, each sub-
scribe to an oath before the Clerk of the Superior Court of
Baltimore City, to impartially and faithfully discharge the
duties prescribed by this sub-division of this Article.
498. The position of any commissioner appointed under this
sub-division of this Article, who shall fail to so qualify within
the time and in the manner named, shall be vacant. The Gov-
ernor shall fill all vacancies occurring from amongst the per-
sons nominated by the Maryland College of Pharmacy under
se'ction 496 of this Article.
499. Each and every person before commencing to vend
at retail, drugs, medicines or chemicals for medicinal use, or
to compound or dispense physicians' prescriptions in the City
of Baltimore, as managing owner of a store, or as managing
assistant of a store, or as relief clerk temporarily in charge of
a store, shall register as a pharmacist under the provisions of
this sub-division of this Article.
500. Every person who shall at the time that this Article
goes into effect be engaged in vending, at retail, drugs, medi-
cines, and chemicals for medicinal use and compounding, and
dispensing physicians' prescriptions in the City of Baltimore,
and registered as a pharmacist under an Act, entitled " An Act
to prevent incompetent persons from conducting business as
pharmacist, or vending, at retail, drugs, medicines or chemicals
for medicinal use in the City of Baltimore," approved April ist,
1872, and amended by the repeal and re-enactment of sections
2 and 9, Chapter 91, passed at January session, 1876, shall be
deemed competent to register as a pharmacist within the mean-
ing of this sub-division of this Article. Every person holding a
diploma from a regularly chartered and recognized college or
school of pharmacy, based upon a full apprenticeship of four
years as a pharmacist, and who presents satisfactory evidence
of these facts to the said Commissioners of Pharmacy and
Practical Chemistry, shall be deemed competent and entitled to
register as a pharmacist.
501. Said Commissioners of Pharmacy and Practical
Chemistry shall demand and receive from each applicant for