registration whom they examine five dollars for each examina-
tion, and shall likewise be entitled to demand and receive one
dollar from every person whom, they register or re-register,
which money, so received under the provisions of this section,
shall be used and applied by said Board to defray the expenses
accruing or arising under this sub-division of this Article. And
every pharmacist, managing assistant "and relief clerk, in the
City of Baltimore, shall re-register annually after his first regis-
tration, during the time he shall continue in the practice of his
profession, on such date as the Board of Pharmacy may deter-
mine, and shall pay to the said Board the fee of one dollar, as
provided hi this section, for which he shall receive a renewal of
said registration.
502.In case of the death of a registered pharmacist, doing
business as such in the City of Baltimore, his legal representa-
tive may continue said business for the benefit of the estate of
said deceased, under the control and management of a regis-
tered pharmacist, subject to all the requirements of this sub-
division of this Article.
503. No person unless he be registered as a pharmacist
under this sub-division of this Article, or unless he be an ap-
prentice who has had at least two years' experience under a
pharmacist, or who has attended at least one full course of
lectures on pharmacy, chemistry and materia medica, shall be
permitted to compound and dispense prescriptions, except
under the supervision of a registered pharmacist ; any regis-
tered pharmacist violating this section or permitting its viola-
tion in any store under his charge or management, shall be
subject to a penalty or fine of not more than fifty dollars, which
fines are to be disposed of as provided in section 501.
504. Any person who shall mix with any substance or prep-
aration used or intended to be used as an officinal medicine any.
foreign or inert substance for the purpose of adulterating or
weakening the same, or shall knowingly sell or knowingly offer
for sale any officinal medicines so adulterated or deficient in
standard strength, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and subject to a penalty or fine of fifty dollars, as provided in
the preceding section.