who shall have violated any requirement of this sub-division of
this Article; provided, that nothing in this sub-division of this
Article shall be so construed as to prevent any practicing
physician from supplying medicines in connection with pro-
fessional practice, nor to restrict the sale at retail of patent and
proprietary medicines and compounds prepared and com-
pounded for medicinal use, by wholesale dealers in drugs and
medicines, when sold in the original package, box or bottle ;
and no penalty shall hereafter be enforced against any person
for the sale of patent or proprietary medicines or compounds
prepared by wholesale dealers in drugs and medicines when
sold as aforesaid ; and no penalty shall hereafter be enforced
against any person for the sale of proprietary or patent medi-
cines or drugs other than poisonous.
496. The Maryland College of Pharmacy shall nominate
biennially, of the most skilled and competent pharmacists of the
City of Baltimore, ten persons, from amongst whom the Gover-
nor shall appoint three commissioners, whose duty it shall be to
faithfully and impartially execute or cause to be executed all the
provisions and requirements of this sub-division of this Article.
They shall upon application, and in such manner and at such
place as they may determine, examine each and every person
who shall desire to engage in vending, at retail, drugs, medi-
cines or chemicals for medicinal use, or in compounding and
dispensing physicians' prescriptions in the City of Baltimore,
touching his competency and qualifications; and upon being
satisfied that the person so examined is competent and qualified
to vend, at retail, drugs, medicines and chemicals for medicinal
use, and compound and dispense physicians' prescriptions
safely, and without jeopardy to the health and lives of the peo-
ple of the City of Baltimore, they or any two of them shall grant
such person a certificate of competency, and register him as a
497. The commissioners appointed under this sub-division
of this Article shall be styled and known as the Commissioners
of Pharmacy and Practical Chemistry, and shall hold office for
two years, and thereafter until their successors have been ap-
pointed and have qualified. Said commissioners shall, within