title "Justices of the Peace and Constables," as amended by chap-
ter 131 of the acts passed at the January session of 1896 ..........
No. 430. An act to repeal section 96 A of article 20 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Talbot county, sub-title "Orphans' Court."...
No. 481. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section two
hundred and fifty-eight of article ten of the Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Dorchester County," sub-title "Oysters.".........
No. 432. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 172
of article 20 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Somerset
County," sub-title "Oysters." ...... .............................
No. 433. An act to repeal sections two hundred and seven, two hun-
dred and eight, two hundred and nine, two hundred and ten, two
hundred and eleven, two hundred and twelve and two hundred and
thirteen of article ten of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Dorchester County," sub-title "Liquors and Intoxicating Drinks."
in so far as said sections of said article apply to election districts
number four, number nine, number six, number eight and number
sixteen of Dorchester county, and to add a sub-section, to come in
after said section two hundred and thirteen of said: article, and
after the sub-sections heretofore enacted, to come in after the same,
the said sub-section now to be added, to be applicable to said elec-
tion districts number four, number nine, number six; number eight,
and number sixteen of said county ...................... ........
No. 434. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 172
of article eight of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Cecil
County," sub-title "Fish," as amended by chapter 360 of the acts of
Assembly of 1894..................... ..........................
No. 435. An act to prohibit the taking of fish in the waters of Sus-
quehanna and Tide Water canal, between the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad bridge at Havre de Grace and Lapidum in Harford county,
also in waters of Susquehanna river between said points, at less
distance than one hundred yards from tow path of said canal,
except by rod, hook and line................... .....
No. 436. An act to add certain new sections to article 43 of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Health," sub-title "Infectious Dis-
eases," to follow section 34, and to be designated as sections 34 A,
34 B, 34C, 34 D, 34 E and 34F................................
No. 437. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Charles
county to pay Adrian Posey, State's Attorney for said county, for
professional services rendered in the prosecution and conviction
of George Matthews for the murder of James Irwin..... .....
No. 438. An act to repeal sections two hundred and seven to two
hundred and thirteen, both inclusive, of aiticle ten of the Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Dorchester County," sub-title
"Liquors and Intoxicating Drinks," in so far as said sections apply
to districts numbers ten, four, nine and sixteen of Dorchester
county, and to add an additional section to come in after section
two hundred and thirteen of said article, to be called section 213 A.
No. 439. An act to refund to John H. Parsons, late collector of State
taxes for the third collection district of St. Mary's county, a sum
of money erroneously paid bjr him into the Treasury. ..........
No. 440. An act to provide for the removal, renovating and re-erec-
tion of the monument that was erected in the city of Baltimore in
honor of the late Governor-Senator Thomas Holliday Hicks by the
German Union men of Baltimore, and to make a suitable appro-
priation therefor............................. ...................