No. 414. An act to refund to Thomas F. Russell a sum of money
paid for license to dredge for oysters.............................
No. 415. Aa act to create a new election district in Allegany county,
to be known and designated as the twenty-sixth election district
of Allegany county..... ...................... .......... .....
No. 416. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Dor-
chester county to borrow money on the credit of the county for
the purpose of constructing a bridge across the northwest fork of
of the Nanticoke river, in said county, at a point'called Crotcher's
Ferry, placing a draw therein ; to give their bonds or bills obliga-
tory for the payment of the same, and to levy taxes on the assess-
able property of 8aid,county, to redeem said bonds or bills obliga-
tory and to pay the interest thereon ............. .... ..........
No. 417. An act to declare the sanction of Generel Assembly of
Maryland to a certain legacy contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Mrs. Enfield Miller, of Baltimore city, deceased, to the
"Trustees of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, South," in
the city of Baltimore, a body corporate.................... .......
No. 418. An act to create a new election precinct in Straits or tenth
election district of Dorchester county, to be known as the third or
Elliott's Island precinct............................... ..........
No. 419. An act to incorporate the National Park, Silver Spring
and Hyattsville Railroad Company ............. ...............
No. 421. An act to repeal section 236 of article 24 of the. Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Worcester County," sub-
title "Sheriff." ..................................................
No. 422. An act authorizing the publication of one thousand addi-
tional copies of the Records and Histories of the Maryland Sol-
diers, Sailors and Marines who fought for the preservation of the
Federal Union, 1861-1865, and to provide for the distribution
thereof...................... .... .............................
No. 423. An act to confirm and enlarge the powers and authority of
the "Wellington Republican Association of North Baltimore, of
Baltimore City," a corporation duly incorporated under the pro-
visions of the acts of 1868, chapter 471 ..........................
No. 424. An act to prohibit the granting of license for the sale of
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer at any place within
Baltimore county within one mile of the property of the Maryland
Asylum and Training School for Feeble-Minded in said county.....
No. 425. An act to refund the Somerset Savings B. and L. Associa-
tion State bonus tar paid by it into the treasury of the State ......
No. 426. An act to extend the corporate limits of the city of Cumber-
land, Maryland, and to provide for the extension of Washington
street through said limits as extended, and for the grading, paving
and otherwise improving said Washington street, as extended, and
Brooks avenue, lying within the present city limits and contiguous
to said proposed extension ..... .................. ............
No. 427. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Howard
county to accept as a public road, at its present width, the road in
the first election district of Howard county, called "The Lawyer's
Hill Road.......................................................
No. 428. An act further to amend an act entitled "An act to incorpo-
rate the Baltimore City Passenger Railway Company," passed
February thirteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two .............
No. 429. An act to repeal, amend and re-enact section 614 of article
4 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-