No. 441. An act to repeal sections 48 and 45 of an act of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at its January session, eighteen
hundred and ninety-four, chapter two hundred and eighty-three,
entitled " An act to repeal chapter 421 of the Laws of 1892 and
sections 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54 of
article 7 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Carroll County,"
sub-title "Hampstead," and to re-enact said sections with amend-
ments, and to add additional sections thereto, and to re-enact said
sections 43 and 45-with amendments .............................
No. 442. An act to amend article 21 of the Code of Public Local
Laws," title "Talbot County," sub-title "Fish," by adding thereto
a new section, to be designated section 116 D of article 21 .........
No. 443. An act to repeal chapter 592 of the acts of 1892, entitled
"An act to incorporate the town of Clarksburg, in Montgomery
county.". ..... .. . ............ .............................
No. 444. An act to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more to issue the stock of said corporation to an amount not ex-
ceeding four million and five hundred thousand dollars for paving
streets, constructing surface water, sewers, suisplying school build-
ings and providing funds for the construction of a general sewer-
age system for the city of Baltimore .............................
No. 445. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, so far as
relates to Garrett county, sections 6, 18 and 25 of article 77 of the
Code of Public General Laws, as'said sections were repealed and
re-enacted by chapter 341 of the acts of 1892 ....... ... ......
No. 446. An act to provide for an additional justice of the peace in.
election district number one, in Harford county......... .........
No. 447. An act to authorize and empower the County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery county to levy the sum of one thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, at their next
annual levy, and to pay the same into the hands of the School
Commissioners of said Montgomery county ; and to authorize and
direct the said School Commissioners to repair, improve and add
to the present school house and lot of ground for colored children,
in the town of Rockville, and purchase land adjacent to said lot,
for the education of the colored children of Montgomery county...
No. 448. An act to repeal sections one hundred (100), one hundred
and one (101), one hundred and two (102), one hundred and three
(103) and one hundred and four (104) of article twenty-seven (27)
of the Code of Public General Laws of the State of Maryland, title
"Crimes and Punishments," sub-title "Fraud — Fruit and Vegeta-
ble Packing." ........... ......................................
No. 449. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections
57, 59 and 62 of article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws,
title "Oysters," as said sections were enacted by chapter 380 of the
acts of 1894..... . ............ .... ..............
No. 450. An act to authorize the Board of County School Commis-
sioners of Carroll county to refund to George B. Yantis, late of
Carroll county, Maryland, sixty-five dollars, less five per centum,
for money paid by him for an unused hotel liquor license, issued
in said Carroll county ............ .............................
No. 451. An act to require the School Commissioners of Mont-
gomery county to pay the salaries of public school teachers in said
county monthly..................................................
No. 458. An act to incorporate the town of Garrett Park, in Mont-
gomery county, Maryland..... ................ .................