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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1295   View pdf image (33K)
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orable Louis E. McComas, as Senator elect, to represent this
State iu the Confess of the United States for the term of six
years from the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and

No. 7.
Joint Resolution requesting the State Librarian to furnish to
each of the additional Judges of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City a set of Maryland Reports.
WHEREAS, By Act of 1896, chapter 95, two additional


judges were added to the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city,
and additional trial courts thereby established ; and


WHEREAS, It is necessary, for the proper administration of
justice, that the said courts be provided with a set of the Mary-
land Reports ; now, therefore,


Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the State Librarian be and he is hereby directed to furnish
for the use of each of the additional judges of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore city a copy of each of the Maryland
Reports, beginning with the earliest, so far as it is possible.

No. 8.
Joint Resolution of respect to the memory of Jacob Tome,
late of Cecil County, deceased.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland has heard

Furnish set
of Maryland

with profound regret of the death of Jacob Tome, late of
Cecil county, deceased, and
WHEREAS, On account of his prominent connection with the
history of this State and his broad-minded benevolence in pro-


ducing from his resources accumulated by a life of industry:
and integrity, and his great addition to the educational advan-
tages of the States in the endowment of the institute which
bears his name ; and
WHEREAS, For the fact that in his individual capacity as a
citizen and a member of the General Assembly of the State,


by his wisdom and financial knowledge he greatly assisted the
State in a time of financial depression and of war to preserve
her credit, and so supply her resources that her financial integ-
rity was maintained in the foremost ranks of the States of the
Union, it is but right and proper that the Legislature of Mary-
land, in session assembled, should give expression of its appre-


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1295   View pdf image (33K)
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