elation of the worth of one of the State's foremost citizens ;
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in the death of the Hon. Jacob Tome the State of Maryland
recognizes his great worth and mourns the death of one of her
most useful, benevolent and faithful citizens.
Resolved, That his life of fidelity, industry and integrity is
one to be pointed to with pride as an example and stimulus to
the rising generation of our citizens.
Spread on the
Journal, etc.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread on the Journal of
the General Assembly of Maryland and that a copy hereof ,
under the Great Seal of the State, be sent to his widow.
No. 10.
Joint Resolution expressing the confidence and pledging the
support of the General Assembly of Maryland in President
McKinley and Consul-General Fitzhugh Lee.
Resolved, That the General Assembly of Maryland unani-
Tenders its
mously tenders to the President of the United States its cor-
dial and enthusiastic approval of his conduct and manage-
ment of the critical affairs that now confront the nation, and
whilst admiring his cautious and prudent course, and hoping
that he may maintain peace with honor, yet assure him that
if the honor and welfare of the country require the terrible
sacrifices of war that the citizens of this State will patrioti-
cally follow wherever our flag shall lead.
and esteem
of the
Resolved further, That the intelligent, courageous and
faithful services of our Consul General Fitzhugh Lee have
earned for him the admiration and living esteem of the people,
not only of this State but of all the States, and that the sterling
qualities of heart and mind which endeared 'him to his own
section have now earned for him the love of the entire
Resolved, further, That the permanency of the Union is
fully assured against all assaults, within or without, so long as
the cautious McKinley and the gallant Lee cordially co-operate,
and that we, with one accord, hail the restoration of the
Union based upon mutual confidence, love and esteem.
Resolution No. 9 was not received by the Governor.