WHEREAS, The State of Maryland, by its General Assembly,
as early as the year 1826 invited the United States Government
to locate the proposed United States Naval Academy at Annap-
olis; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland .has always
shown its interest in and its appreciation of the location of
the Naval Academy within the State of Maryland by freely
granting in the amplest manner jurisdiction over all the grounds
and property required by the Government of the United States
for the purposes of the Naval Academy, as will appear by
chapter 215, Acts of 1845 ; chapter 158, Acts of 1847 ; chap-
ter 215, Acts of 1853 ; chapter 66, Acts of 1866 ; and chapters
294 and 387, Acts of 1867 ; and
WHEREAS, The Secretary of the Navy, in his annual report
to Congress for the year 1897, stated that "the condition of
many of, the buildings at the Academy is such as to make it
desirable that Congress should consider the question of their
reconstruction," and Assistant Secretary of the Navy, in a
special communication to Congress on the same subject, further
states " that the recitation halls have fallen into such ruin that
the cadets have been assigned to attics and garrets as the only
available spaces, while the storehouse is in such condition that
the storekeeper refuses to be responsible for the safety of the
goods in his care," and " that the armory, the boat house,
power house and basin for boats need to be rebuilt immedi-
ately ; " now, therefore,
Secure appro-
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
our Senators and Representatives in the Congress of the United
States, are respectfully and urgently requested to use their
utmost ability to secure at the present session of Congress ade-
quate appropriations to complete all the improvements recom-
mended by the Navy Department as imperatively needed at
the Naval Academy.
Copy of reso-
lutions sent.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded by
the chief clerk of this house to each of our Senators and Rep-
resentatives in Congress.
No. 6.
Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to issue a commis-
sion to Hon. Louis E. McComas.
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
his Excellency, the Governor of Maryland, be and he is hereby
requested to issue a commission, in the usual form, to the Hon