Assembly of Maryland hereby pledgee, for the State of Mary-
land, the dedication of the necessary land to the United States
Government tor the purposes required.
Be it still further resolved, That the Secretary of the State,
be and he is hereby respectfully requested to transmit, under
the seal of this State, a copy or these resolutions to each of the
Senators and Representatives now in Congress from Maryland,
with the request that they lay the same before their respective
Houses for the information of Congress, aud in support of the
meritorious public measures recited in said Senate Bill No.
2778, Fifty- fifth Congress, second session, the passage of which
bill by this Congress is hereby respectfully and urgently re-
quested by the General Assembly of Maryland.
No. 4.
copies of
WHEREAS, The International League of Press Clubs of
America, now in session at New Orleans, is being solicited by
the delegates from Baltimore to select that city as the place of
meeting for its annual convention of 1899; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and
the Merchants and Manufacturer's Association of Baltimore,
and the Clearing House Association of Baltimore have already
joined with the Journalist's Club of Baltimore in inviting the
said League to accept the hospitality of that city ; and
WHEREAS, It is highly desirable that this convention be held
in Baltimore in 1899, and an opportunity given to the leading
newspaper men from all parts of the country who attend it
to see and appreciate the city of Baltimore and the State of
Maryland ; now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
we hereby extend our hearty good wishes to the International
League of Press Clubs, and earnestly join in the invitations
already extended to select Baltimore as the next meeting place
for its annual convention.
No. 5.
Joint Resolution requesting the Senators and Representatives
of Maryland in the Congress of the United States to use
their utmost abilities to secure at the present session of Con
gress adequate appropriations to make all the improvement
recommended by, the Navy Department as imperatively
needed at the Naval Academy.