or recovered under this Act, which said bond shall be respon-
sible to all snch persons hereinafter described as may be
injured by the sale of spirituous or fomented liquors sold in
violation of the provisions of this Act. Upon the receipt of
said papers from any applicant as hereinbefore provided, inclu-
ding a good and sufficient bond, the said board shall forthwith
advertise at least once in two newspapers of the county (the
costs of said advertisement to be first paid to said board by tho
applicant) the substance of said petition, specifying particularly
the place where said applicant proposes to sell; said notice shall
specify a time and place when the board will hear objections
to the granting of such license. At the time and place named
the board shall hear any objections which may be made. If
no objections are made, or if objections made are, in the opin-
ion of the board, insufficient, and in their judgment the appli-
cant has complied with the provisions of the law and is
entitled to a license, they shall give to said applicant
a certificate that he is entitled to a license, specifying the
character thereof, upon the payment to the clerk of the
Circuit Court for Cecil county the license fees hereinafter pro-
vided. And said Board shall file the bond of the applicant,
approved by said Board, with said clerk of the Circuit Court
for Cecil county, and the judgment of said Board of Liquor
License Commissioners shall be final and conclusive upon any
applicant, and any applicant to whom a license is refused shall
not have the right to make a second application within six
months. And the said Board may, in the exercise of their
discretion, refuse to issue a license to any applicant, and when
the License Commissioners shall have reason to believe that
any licensee is conducting his business in an improper manner,
or the place licensed is from local or other causes in the nature
of a nuisance in such locality, or that the licensee has violated
any of the provisions of the sub-title of this article, the License
Commissioners shall have the power to suppress such license ;
and upon such suppression they shall tile with the clerk of the
Circuit Court for Cecil county, in writing, their reasons for sup-
pression of such license.
412. No license to sell spirituous or fermented liquors in
Petition to be
Cecil county shall be granted to any hotel keeper who shall
have complied with the provisions of this Act, until snch appli-
cant shall present to the clerk of Circuit Court for Cecil
county the certificate of the Board of Liquor License Com-
missioners as provided in the preceding section, and shall in
addition to the license fees required by the State pay to said
When license
shall be