clerk the sum of three hundred dollars, if said applicant shall
desire to sell spirituous or fermented liquors in any incor-
porated town in said county or within two miles of the cor-
porate limits thereof, and the sum of one hundred and fifty
dollars if said applicant shall desire to sell spirituous or fer-
mented liquors in said county not within the limits nor within
two miles thereof of any incorporated town thereof.
413. No license to sell spirituous or fermented liquors in
When license
shall i e
Cecil county shall be granted to any wholesale dealer within
the meaning of this Act who shall have complied with the
provisions of this Act unless said applicant shall present to the
clerk of the Circuit Court for Cecil county the certificate of
the Board of Liquor License Commissioners, as provided in the
preceding section, and shall in addition to the license fees
required oy the State to pay to the said clerk the sum of three
hundred and fifty dollars.
414. All sums received by said clerk for licenses shall be
Sums ac-
counted for.
accounted for, and, with the exception of one half of the fees
received for licenses granted within the limits of incorporated
towns, paid over by said clerk to the County Commissioners of
Cecil county within thirty days after the receipt of the same,
and the one-half of the license fees received for license issued
for places within the corporate limits of any town shall be
accounted for and paid by said clerk within thirty days to the
municipal authorities of said town ; and the official bond of
said clerk shall be liable for all sums received for licenses
issued under this Act, and said clerk shall be entitled to charge
and receive the sum of two dollars for each license issued by
him under the provisions of this Act, to be paid by the appli-
cant, and said clerk shall also be entitled to the usual commis-
sions for collecting said license fees, which shall be retained
by him from the amounts collected by him for the county and
for the towns respectively.
When licenses
415. All licenses issued under this Act shall expire on the first
day of May next thereafter, but licenses may be issued for a
shorter period than one year upon the payment of a proportion-
ate part of the license fee hereinbefore provided for; licenses
issued under this Act shall be transferable only when the trans-
feree shall duly establish his qualifications for the sale of spir-
ituous or fermented liquors, as though an original applicant for
license therefor under the provisions of this Act.
416. No pharmacist or druggist in Cecil county shall sell
directly or indirectly any spirituous or fermented liquors or
alcoholic bitters, or intoxicating drinks of any kind, except