eight of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Cecil County,"
suo-title "Sales of spirituous or fermented liquors," to take
effect on the first day of December, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and ninety eight.
409. No person in Cecil county shall obtain a license for the
sale or barter of spirituous or fermented liquors in any quanti-
ties whatever, except such as shall be qualified, as hereinafter
License to
410. There shall be a Board of Liquor License Commission-
ers of Cecil county, consisting of three persons, who shall hold
their office during good behavior or until their successors are
duly appointed and qualified. In case of any vacancy occur-
ring in said Board by death, refusal to act, removal from the
county or otherwise, the vacancy shall be filled by the County
Commissioners of Cecil county, and said Commissioners shall
also have the power in their discretion to remove from office
any Commissioner for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office
upon the petition of any ten reputable citizens of Cecil county,
and proof of such neglect of duty or malfeasance in office
satisfactory to the County Commissioners, and their decision
shall be final and conclusive. Said Commissioners shall receive
the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars annually in lien of
all other compensation to be paid to them by the County Com-
missioners of Cecil county on or before the first day of May
in each and every year, and it shall not be lawful for any Com-
missioner to directly or indirectly receive from any applicant
for license any fee, reward or thing of value whatsoever. The
said persons constituting said Board and their successors shall,
before entering on the discharge of their duties, be duly sworn
in by the clerk of the Circuit Court for Cecil county ; they
shall meet at Elkton, Maryland, as often as necessity requires,
and their duties shall be such as are hereinafter defined.
Robert Mackey, Charles W. Simpers and Henry H. McFadden
of Cecil county are hereby constituted and appointed the
Board of Liquor License Commissioners of Cecil county.
Board of
license com-
411. Licenses to the hotel keepers, not more than three in
the third election district, and not more than two in any other
district of. Cecil county, may be issued, and in incorporated
towns of not less thati fifteen hundred population not more
than one wholesale dealers license may be issued ; any person
in Cecil county who may keep a house for the reception of
guests, or of permanent or transient boarders, containing at least
five chambers more than are needed for his family purposes,
and which said five or more chambers are used for the recep-