collector of internal revenue for the district of which Cecil
county shall form a part, and that he or it made application to
said collector to be so registered ; and it shall be lawful for the
State in such case to offer in evidence said internal re'venue
laws relating to said special taxes ; and the payment of said
special tax upon and the registering of his or its eaid business
may be proved by a certificate of said collector or anj of his
deputies, or.by the sworn testimony of him or any of them,
and a copy of the application of any person, house, company,
association or body corporate for registry under said revenue
laws, made and attested by said collector or any of his depu-
ties, shall be prima facie proof of such application.
185. If any druggist or pharmacist shall violate any of the
preceding sectionp, he shall be liable to the same penalties,
which are set forth in section one hundred and eighty-two.
How fines
shall be
186. One-half of all such fines shall be paid to the informer
and the balance shall be paid to the Board of School Commis-
sioners of the county, for the use of the public schools therein.
How prosecu
tions shall
be made.
187. All prosecutions for violations of any of the provisions
of this sub-title of this Article shall be upon presentment and
indictment; but any justice of the peace of the county shall
have the same authority to receive information of violators
thereof, and to take recognizances and bail, or to commit, as ia
now exercised by justices of the peace of the county under the
Public General Laws of this State.
Not necessary
to specify
the kind of
188. In any indictment for violation of the provisions of
this sub-title of this Article it shall not be necessary except in
the case of cider, to specify the particular kind of liquor,
which any house, person, company, association or body cor-
porate bartered, sold or gave away, or solicited or received
order for the purchase of or kept deposited, or had with intent
to barter, sell or give away, or that the same had been bartered,
sold or given away in violation of said provisions ; but it shall be
sufficient if the indictment set forth that the traverser bartered,
sold or gave away, or solicited or received orders for the pur-
chase of or kept deposited, or had with intent to barter, sell or
give away spirituous or fermented liquors or intoxicating
drinks, or with intent that the same be bartered, sold or given
away in violation of said provisions.
New section
SEC. 4. And be it enactedm, That if it shall appear by the
returns of said judges, and the certificate of said clerk, that a
majority of such votes have been cast "For License," then and
in that event the following sections shall be added to Article