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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1275   View pdf image (33K)
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between the first day of August in each year and the first day
of January in the succeeding year, and no sale of cider shall
be lawful to minors or intoxicated persons, or on the Sabbath
day, commonly called " Sunday ; " nor shall any sale of cider be
lawful either for themselves or aa agents for others by,such
manufacturers of cider or growers of apples if they shall be
the proprietors, keepers or owners of a hotel, inn, bar room,
restaurant, saloon, eating-house, store or pool, bagatelle or bil-
liard room, or by their agents, waiters, or clerks, nor shall man-
ufacturers of cider or growers of apples, or their agents, sell
cider directly or indirectly in any hotel, inn, bar room, restaur-
ant, saloon, eating-house, or pool, bagatelle or billiard room.
182. If any person, house, company, association or body


corporate shall violate any of the provisions of the three pre-
ceding sections within the limits of Cecil county, he or it shall,
on each and every conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a tine of
not less than one hundred dollars nor more than six hundred
.dollars and costs of prosecution, shall be confined in the Mary-
land House of Correction for not less than six months nor
more than twelve months, or, in the discretion of the court,
forfeit or pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor
more than six hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, and
failing to pay such fine and costs forthwith shall be sentenced
to be confined in the Maryland House of Correction for a term
not less than six months nor more than twelve months, or until
such fine and costs are paid.
183. Nothing in the four preceding sections shall be con-


strued to prevent the sale of any such liquors by a regular
pharmacist or druggist, who may or shall have obtained a
license therefor under the license laws of this State to a regu-
lar practising physician of said county on his personal applica-
tion therefor.


184. In the trial of any person or any house, company, asso-
ciation or body corporate for a violation of any of the five
preceding sections, it shall be lawful for the State to prove that
such person, house, company, association or body corporate on
trial has or have paid (if such be the case) a special tax to the
government of the United States under the internal revenue
laws thereof, upon or for his or its business as brewers or
retail dealers in liquors or wholesale dealers in liquors, or
retail dealers in malt liquors, as the case may be, in Cecil
county, for a period of time within which such violation
has occurred, and to prove that he or it has or have registered
his or its business for said period as such dealers with the

State must
prove that
a special
tax to the
States has
been paid.

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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1275   View pdf image (33K)
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