the records of his office, and shall prepare a certificate pro-
claiming the resultsof such election in said county, and cause
said certificate to be published, within fifteen days after said
returns have been received by him, once in all the newspapers
published in said county.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if it shall appear by the
Sections to be
in force.
returns of said judges and certificate of said clerk that a
majority of said votes have been cast "Against License," then
the following sections from section one hundred and seventy-
nine to section one hundred and eighty-eight, inclusive, shall
be in force in said county, and stand in the place and stead of
sections one hundred and seventy nine to one hundred and
eighty-eight, inclusive, of Article eight of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Cecil county," sub-title "Liquors and In-
toxicating Drinks," repealed by this Act.
179. It shall not be lawful for any person, or any house,
Unlawful to
barter or
sell liquor.
company or association, or body corporate, to barter or sell,
directly or indirectly, or to solicit or receive orders for the
purchase of, at any place within the limits of Cecil county, or
to give away on its place of business within the limits of said
county, any spirituous or fermented liquors, or alcoholic bitters
or intoxicating drinks of any kind, or cider, tonic beer, lager
beer, schnapps or gin, or any article used or sold as a beverage
in the composition of which whiskey, brandy, high, wines or
alcohol or any spirituous or fermented liquors shall be an in-
gredient, nor shall any license be granted for the sale of the
same therein.
Unlawful to
have in
180. No person, house, company, association or body corpo-
rate shall deposit, keep or have in his or its possession any spirit-
uous or fermented liquors, or alcoholic bitters or intoxicating
drinks of any kind, or cider, tonic beer, lager beer, schnapps
or gin, or any article used or sold as a beverage, in the compo-
sition or compounding of which whiskey, brandy, high wines
or alcohol or any spirituous or fermented liquors shall be an
ingredient, with intent to barter or sell or give away the same
in violation of the provisions of the preceding section, or with
intent that the same shall be bartered or sold or given away in
violation thereof within the limits of said county.
Not to
prevent the
sale of pure
apple elder
in quanti-
ties of one
181. Nothing in the preceding sections shall be construed to
prevent the sale of pure apple cider (not to be drunk on the
premises of the seller) in quantities not less than one gallon at
one time, by manufacturers of apple cider or by persons who
have grown the apples from which the cider sold by them has
been made ; but such sale of apple cider shall only be lawful