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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1273   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to enable the registered qualified voters of Cecil
County to determine by ballot whether spirituous or fer-
mented liquors or cider shall be sold in said County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-


land, That the question whether or not any person or persons,
house, company, association or body corporate, as hereinafter
described, may be licensed in Cecil county of this State, by'
whom or in which spirituous or fermented liquors, intoxicating
drinks or cider may be sold, or whether or not no license to sell
the same in said county shall be issued, shall be submitted to
the registered and qualified voters of said county on the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in November, eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-eight, and on the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November in every fourth year thereafter, at the
election then to be held therein, and the sheriff of said county
shall, at least three weeks previous to the day of said election,
cause public notice to be given of the submission of said ques-
tion, to be published in two newspapers of said county, with a
copy of this Act, and also by printed handbills containing said
notice, and a copy of this Act to be'posted at the most public
places within each election district of said county, and the
County Commissioners of said county shall pay for the pub-
lishing of said notice and copy of this Act, and for printing
said handbills, and shall pay to said sheriff for said services the
sum of twenty-five dollars ; but if, for any reason, said notice
shall not be given, or not given in the manner herein pre-
scribed, such failure shall not affect the validity of this Act, or
operate to prevent its taking effect.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the ballots cast at said elec-
tion to be counted as deciding for or against the sale of spirit-

Submitted to
the voters
of the

uous or fermented liquors, intoxicating drinks or cider in said
county, shall have printed or written on them the words,
"For License" or "Against License," and the ballots cast
" For License " and the ballots cast "Against License," shall
be carefully counted by the judges of said election in the re-
spective election districts of said county, and the number of
said ballots "For License" and the number of ballots
"Against License " shall be certified by them, and the return
judges of said election at their meeting after said election
shall cast up the whole vote "For License" and "Against
License" in said districts, and shall make a separate written
return of said whole vote to the clerk of the Circuit Court for
Cecil county, and said clerk shall record said returns among

How ballots
shall be

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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1273   View pdf image (33K)
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