Unlawful to
more than
one half of
his contract
203 W. It shall be unlawful for any contractor doing repair
work or keeping road in general annual repair to receive more
than one-half of his contract price within any six months of
each and every year ; and in no case shall any contractor receive
more than eighty percent, of his contract until said work has
been absolutely and entirely approved and accepted by the
Board of District Road Commissioners, and duly certified to
the County Commissioners, and no objections existing on file;
the County Commissioners shall then issue their proper certifi-
cate for the amount due and payable ; provided, that in case of
special or permanent worker material furnished payment shall
be made as agreed upon by the Board of County Road Com-
missioners, duly approved by the Board of County Commis-
sioners ; but if any written protest shall have been filed, the
same shall be heard and determined by the Board of District
Road Commissioners before payment can be made on any con-
tract, either for repair work or permanent improvement.
203 X. No member of any Board of Road Commissioners or
of County Commissioners shall, either personally or as a
member of any firm or a stockholder in any corporation, be
pecuniarily interested directly or indirectly as a contractor or
employe in any contract entered into or work carried on by
or for such board.
District road
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Road Commissioners of
said county, appointed as such under chapter 464 of the Acts
of 1896, shall be among the District Road Commissioners
appointed under this Act, and shall respectively be the chair-
men of the Boards of District Road Commissioners in their
several districts, and shall constitute for two years from the
time of their appointment under this Act the Board of County
Road Commissioners under this Act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage, and all Acts or parts of Acts or
provisions of the Code of Public General Laws or Public
Local Laws inconsistent with the provisions thereof be and
the same are hereby repealed ; provided, that the passage of
this Act shall not impair, discharge or release any existing con-
tract, obligation or liability under the previous existing law,
and that all pending suits, actions, and prosecutions for misde-
meanors, including all civil and criminal proceedings whatso-
ever, shall be prosecuted and proceeded with to final determi-
nation and judgment entered therein as if this Act had not
been passed.
Approved April 9, 1898.