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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1271   View pdf image (33K)
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party proceeded against as provided for obstructing county
roads in section 203 u.


203 u. If any corporation or individual shall by unusual use
of any public road, materially damage the same, such person
or corporation shall be required to repair all damages caused
by such use of the same. The contractor or Board of District
Road Commissioners shall, at any time when necessary, notify
such corporation, company or individual of their duty as pro-
vided in this section ; and should the said parties so notified
fail, in a reasonable length of time, to be stated in the notice,
to make such repairs, such parties shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor in obstructing the public roads ; and if any
person, unless duly authorized by the District Board of Road
Commissioners or a contractor of the road district, shall leave
any wagon, plow or vehicle, unless in the event of an unavoid-
able accident, or shall put any garbage, rubbish, grass, weeds
or waste material of any kind into any public road in' said
county, with the intent to permit the same to remain therein,
such person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon conviction of any such offense under this
section shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one nor
more than fifty dollars, together with the costs of prosecution;
and in default of the payment thereof shall be imprisoned in
the county jail of said county not exceeding ten days, or both
so fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the court or the
justice trying the same.

Required to
repair all

203 V. Any person who shall maliciously and intentionally
ride or drive upon a pavement or sidewalk, or shall wilfully
obstruct, injure or destroy any of said public roads or bridges,
any index or finger board, or any culvert or ditch on said pub-
lic roads, or shall wilfully injure any of the tools or implements,
or who shall without right, take possession of or use or appro-
priate the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
shall be fined for each such offense not less than one nor more
than fifty dollars and costs of prosecution, to be recovered as
other such penalties are recoverable, aud shall also be liable in
a civil action for double damages to the county or to any per-
son injured thereby, to be recovered in any court or before
any tribunal of the county having jurisdiction of the amount
claimed. It shall be the duty of the contractor and his assist-
ants, and of all constables and sheriffs, to report promptly to
the Board of District Road Commissioners and to some justice
of the peace any and all violations of this section.

Guilty of mis-

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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1271   View pdf image (33K)
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